• rev-full1
    Feature 1
    Feature 2
    Feature 3
    Get detailed information on businesses close to home or research
    other locations before traveling.
  • Deals
    Find the best bargains in town and never pay full retail prices
    again! Event tickets, food, you can find anything.
    Earn 1% CashBack while shopping on Feebee!
  • rev-full1
    Feature 1
    Feature 2
    Feature 3
    Join contests for a chance to win great prizes!
    Share your contest link with others for more chances to win!
    There is no limit to how many contests you can enter!
  • Feature 1
    Local Search
    Find your Local Businesses in 3 seconds.
    See their Deals, Jobs and give an employee a positive review!
  • rev-full1
    Feature 1
    The SmileHighway
    Earn SmileMiles for every positive review that you send out or receive.
    Your miles give you access to exclusive offers from
    awesome companies like Apple, Samsung, Sony, and Nike.
  • rev-full1
    Feature 1
    Feebee CaReS
    Communication and Review System
    Our review system makes shoppers, employees, managers, and owners all happy!
    You now have the power to pass reviews with value that will
    help others know which businesses and employees are best.
Feebee's location based search connects Shoppers and Businesses through Deals, Team Member & Business Reviews, Job Postings, Contest Entries, supporting Charities and much more!
Feebee CaRes Handbook Feebee CaRes Handbook
Communication and Review System Learn how employees and managers can instantly be happier, more productive while building a long term future.


Get detailed information on businesses close to home or research
other locations before traveling.


Find the best bargains in town and never pay full retail prices again! Event tickets, food, you can find anything.


Search for the perfect position near your home, childrens school or any address to find a job available.

The SmileHighway

Earn SmileMiles for every positive review that you send out or receive. Your miles give you access to exclusive offers from awesome companies like Apple, Samsung, Sony, and Nike.


Join contests for a chance to win great prizes! Best of all, if you share the link with others, you get more chances to win! Every Business can have a contest and there is no limit to how many contests you can enter!

Feebee Reviews

Earn SmileMiles for every positive review that you send out or receive. When you send out positive reviews, not only will you be spreading a little joy in the world and helping create a better shopping/retail experience, you will also earn big rewards in the process.

Feebee.com is a multi-national marketing platform designed to permanently connect businesses and its employees to consumers worldwide. more...

Our Positive Shows/Negative Goes Ratings system is designed to promote the positive relationships that we all enjoy each day.more...

Our Mission will be to use our global positioning to stay neutral to all parties and view helping humankind as our objective. We will strive to create projects on all scales that will address issues that governments cannot address.

CashBack is our way of saying thanks for shopping with your favorite Businesses using Feebee. Thank you for supporting businesses that in turn support others. You will earn 1% CashBack simply by shopping on Feebee!

We are also committing 1% to support our unique CharityPoints. These will have a monetary value that can be used to support projects created, sponsored and completed on Feebee.

Unique Features

  • Feebee Reviews - A complete review system like no other.
  • FeebeeRx - Your free pharmacy discount card.
  • Contests - Easy to join, easy to win!
  • Smile Highway - Gain incentives for spreading positivity.
  • Deals - Safe and secure shopping with our Purchase Policy.
  • Jobs - Find employment easily and locally!
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