Create Lifetime Connections with Shoppers with our Permanent Advertising Solutions

Permanent Ads™

It's easy to get started:

Permanent Ads™
  1. Sign Up and create a deal or a contest.
  2. Share your deal or contest via social media.
  3. Capture Lifetime Accounts!

Feature 1
Branding that never stops
Feature 2
Change advertisements instantly
Feature 3
Grow with your customers

A free invitation that you send out today can lead to a lifelong relationship between you and your customers (both current and new). Take a few minutes to Sign Up, Create a Deal or a Contest, and then share it with your friends and associates via social media. That’s all it takes to get started.

Sign Up during our Initial Launch Phase and get a head start on grabbing your share of the market.

Still not sure how Feebee can benefit you? Click here: