Keywords Will Be Auctioned to Raise Money for Charities Around the World

These Contests were created to give you the chance to win a percentage of proceeds from those auctions!

Feebee International Virtual Launch Division

Keyword Charity Auction™
  • These Divisions will be hosting Keyword Charity Contests.
  • Anyone can enter a contest, its easy!
  • Earn more entries by sharing the contest to friends and family.

Feature 1
The Feebee Virtual Launch Divisions will host Contests for Keyword Auctions
Feature 2
These Auctions will sell keywords to the highest bidding Businesses
Feature 3
Shoppers who join the contests can win a percentage of Auction Proceeds!

Feebee Keywords - why are they so valuable?

Keywords are words that a person types into a search box. These words make up a search query and are commonly referred to as “keywords”.

Most search engines will charge a fee for the temporary use of a “keyword”. Each industry has different values for cost of this rental. The keyword “insurance” is typically $20-$40 a click and the keyword “tree” may be $1-$2 a view.
Typically a business will upload an amount of funds and the search company will draw down on those funds each time that search word is entered and their company is shown.

Feebee's keyword is much lest costly. With our keywords, you pay a monthly set fee for a unique keyword no matter how many times it is used!

Keyword Charity Auctions

Feebee keywords will be auctioned with the winners owning the keyword. Once owned the business will show up in every search worldwide when the keyword is entered into a search box. If a million people search for “insurance” or “tree” every day, then your business will show up in a million searches a day at no extra cost. Future versions of Feebee will allow for the subleasing of the keyword to other businesses to create streams of revenue.

During the launch phase keywords are able to be leased and used until they are auctioned. Leased keywords will be auctioned starting in Feb 2017 while other keywords will be auctioned starting shortly. The launch phase gives time for large corporations to acquire their actual names as keywords on Feebee prior to opening the system for straight purchase of keywords when the auction period ends.

Keyword Charity Contests

Auction proceeds will be awarded to the winners of Keyword Contests and the charities they support. All contests will be administered and overseen by success agents that will help to market the contests globally.

You can enter any and all of the contests below for a chance to win!

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